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A playlist for your fundraising appeal writing...

Need a little inspiration as you approach the busiest fundraising season of the year?

I got you!

Here is a playlist I curated with you in mind. You can listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, or watch each music video on YouTube. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed scouting out the songs.

๐ŸŽง Listen to the Playlist on Spotifyโ€‹

๐ŸŽง Listen to the Playlist on Apple Musicโ€‹

Letter to You by Bruce Springsteen

This is my favorite song from The Boss. Listen to it. Feel it. Then pour your heart onto an empty page. (music video)

Many Rivers to Cross by Jimmy Cliff

Many of the people you help cross troubled waters. But their strong will—along with the kindness of donors—push them through. (music video)

Good As Hell by Lizzo

For the times when you don’t feel good enough, Lizzo is here to give you a swift kick in the pants to tell you otherwise. (music video)

The Scientist by Coldplay

Writing hard stuff? “Nobody said it was easy.” This song’s a good reminder that sometimes you have to go “back to the start.” (music video)

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Think about the amazing people you and your donors help every day. These people grab the opportunity with both hands and fight to make their lives better. (music video)

Fight the Power by Public Enemy  

This song will fire you up to keep fighting injustices for a better world. (music video)

Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant

You know, sometimes you just need to get the writing done because you are on a deadline. (music video)

Shake it Off by Taylor Swift

Whether it’s writer's block or the haters in your life, sometimes you’ve got to “shake it off.” (music video)

Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

Donors will make a gift to finish the story you tell (because donors are awesome like that). (music video)

Return to Sender by Elvis Presley

Even Elvis in all his hunkiness had to deal with unopened mail. (music video)

The Story by Brandi Carlile

It’s a privilege to be the teller of stories. What story will you share with donors? (music video)

Where is the Love? by Black Eyed Peas

Thank you for helping donors feel the love so that they can share their hearts with others. (music video)

Brave by Sara Bareilles

When you speak out... when you're your truest self… when you’re brave, you give others the permission to be the same. Write, my friend. “I want to see you be brave.” (music video) 

 ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿงก

Want Another Playlist?

My friend Elizabeth "Boo" Fallon Quilter, CFRE created a Donor Retention Playlist on YouTube. It's fantastic! Give it a listen. ๐ŸŽง


While you're here...

Why not read a little more?

Here are a few blog posts you might like:

1. Do Your Fundraising Stories Give Away the Ending?

2. The 1 Forrest Gump Fundraising Secret You Need

3. How To Balance Doom & Gloom with Happy & Hopeful in Your Fundraising Appeal

4. 7 Boring Ways to Transform Your Fundraising


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