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Do you follow Jeff Brooks' 10 Commandments of Fundraising?

Do you follow Jeff Brooks' 10 Commandments of Fundraising?

These timeless principles of fundraising don't cost a penny. But they could raise millions.


Today, someone with deep pockets will spend around $2 million at Sotheby's to own one of the oldest Ten Commandments tablets ever discovered.

This 1,500-year-old marble slab (which spent 30 years as someone's doorstep! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ) is going under the auction hammer this morning.

If you've got a couple million lying around, head over to Sotheby's.

But you know what won't cost you a single penny?

"The 10 Commandments of Fundraising" by Jeff Brooks.

While that ancient tablet represents an incredible piece of history, these modern fundraising commandments are designed with you and your money-raising work in mind.๐Ÿ’›

So let's get to it...

Do you follow Jeff Brooks' 10 Commandments of Fundraising?

You really should.

Jeff has over 30 years of fundraising experience, knowledge, and wisdom. (For starters, see herehere, and here.)

He's kindly distilled all that know-how for us, as follows.

Get your clicker finger ready...

  1. โ€‹Donors give to make something happen.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "Donors don’t give to support organizations or programs; they give to make something happen."
  2. โ€‹Ask, thank, report, repeat.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "Fundraising is a relationship cycle: It starts with asking, but if that’s all you do, you won’t build a relationship — and you’ll get far fewer repeat donations."
  3. โ€‹You are not your donor.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "The most common cause of unsuccessful fundraising is 'FFY' — Fundraising For Yourself."
  4. โ€‹For donations, belief is enough.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "You don’t have to educate donors how your programs work. That’s not only unnecessary, it’s counter-productive. Tested again and again, showering donors with facts and “how it works” decreases response."
  5. โ€‹Numbers numb; stories stimulate.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "The human mind is pre-set to tune out numbers (especially large ones) and to pay attention to stories."
  6. โ€‹Time and attention: harder to get than money.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "Most fundraising failure isn’t because would-be donors considered and rejected our offers — it’s because they didn’t even notice we asked."
  7. โ€‹Fundraising is a relationship, not a transaction.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "Fundraising becomes profitable from repeat giving. And repeat giving comes from a relationship between the door and the nonprofit. Relationships are reciprocal. Both sides benefit.
  8. โ€‹Giving is good for donors — and that really matters.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "If you are conscious of the positive impact giving has on your donors, you will do better work."
  9. โ€‹Your instincts about fundraising lead you astray.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "What may seem like “common sense” to you is often exactly wrong in fundraising."
  10. โ€‹The Magic Bullet of fundraising.โ€‹
    Jeff says, "The closest thing to a magic bullet is sticking to the basics."

The basics are essential for beginners and masters alike.

Maybe print them out?

Maybe carve them in stone?

Maybe forward them to a fundraising friend?

And, who knows? In 1,500 years, maybe Jeff's fundraising commandments will be auctioned off...

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