Super-sized webinar with Tom Ahern ~ March 27, 2025

Retention's best friend:
donor newsletters and other irresistible thank-yous




Now CFRE-credit approved!

Super-sized webinar with Tom Ahern ~ March 27, 2025

Retention's best friend:
donor newsletters and other irresistible thank-yous



When the pandemic hit, interest in donor newsletters jumped, as charities sought ways around isolation. Tom Ahern led the creative teams behind two new and highly lucrative donor newsletters introduced during pandemic times. Both are print, coordinated with companion emails. Both are written in-house (after training and ever-lighter handholding).

One is for a national charity. It now raises almost a half-million in extra gifts each time it mails. (It took about 4 issues to get it right.)

The other, for a local California charity, makes $70K+ every time it mails. (Again, it took about 4 issues.) That adds up to more than a quarter-million dollars in added charitable revenue annually for a small-ish organization.

Interested? Oh, there's more...

In both cases, as the newsletters were under construction, staff was also being trained. Both these NOW successful donor newsletters are NOW written in-house.

You curious?

"Would you ... and your boss (maybe even your board!) like to know exactly how such stewardship 'miracles' happen?"

Tom says, "Please, join me!"

In just a SINGLE intense super-sized 1.5-hour webinar (PLUS "All-You-Can-Eat" Q&A session) ... you will learn how to turn your organization's newsletter into a powerful stewardship tool that will increase donor retention and harvest added gifts

 March 27, 2025, Thursday, @ 1:00 PM Eastern US

Repeat in 2025? Sorry: There'll be just this one training session. This is your chance.

Special Guest? Yes! Tom will be joined by Lisa Sargent, donor communications specialist and fundraising copywriter. Lisa Sargent is the acclaimed author of Thankology, an example-rich book showing how to lift your donor retention to new highs through the often-overlooked power of proper thanking.

What's the deal with the Q&A session?
 Our UNIQUE All-You-Can-Eat Q&A is a surefire way to get all your questions answered. At our previous webinar (on bequests in January), 78 questions rolled in for 2 hours, 30 minutes AFTER the presentation finished. It was enlightening and fun!

Are CFRE credits available? YES! Full participation in the 90-minute training is applicable for 1.5 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

What if I can't be at the live webinar or need to leave early? No sweat! You will have the recording of both the webinar training AND the Q&A session at your fingertips as soon as a couple of hours after the end of the training.

You will also receive the slides (PDF) of the entire presentation for future reference. (And you'll need that PDF ... since science says humans forget about 80% of what they hear today ... by tomorrow.)

Cost:  A million bucks of know-how ... for US $129 per computer connection (fill a hall with a big screen!)


So ... my Dear Ambitious Colleague...

Can you really make serious money with a print donor newsletter ... in 2025?

If that strikes you as impossible, implausible ... maybe even ridiculous? ... get ready to accept the front-line  truth ... >>> ... and open your charity's eyes (and its fundraising coffers) to the amazing benefits of print (& digital emailed) donor newsletters.


Please join us for this exclusive, unique (nothing else like it worldwide) SUPERwebinar training event...

  •  In the comfort of your own office, listening live or to the recorded presentation... 

  •  In just 1.5 hours, you will learn how to turn your nonprofit's print newsletter into a powerful stewardship tool that will increase donor retention ... harvest added gifts ... and boost fundraising's most important metric: Donor Lifetime Value

  •  You'll learn how a printed donor newsletter published by a Catholic diocese increased giving 317% by switching from program-focused to donor-focused...

  •  You'll meet an amazingly lucrative donor newsletter that has raised more than $2 million a year to benefit a homeless shelter, bringing in a return on investment of almost $7 in giving for every $1 spent...

  •  You'll see why a simple shift in voice increased giving to a hospital foundation's newsletter 1,000%, bringing in $50,000 in added gifts per issue...

  •  You'll learn how to spot (and correct) common fatal flaws that undermine many donor newsletters: not enough warmth, telling the wrong story, unskimmable, etc...

  •  You'll explore (and have for future reference) a rich library of successful newsletters (in print and emailed) you can model on.


You'll train with Tom Ahern, the international expert who literally WROTE THE BOOK on profitable donor newsletters.

"This was an exceptionally good webinar—stuffed full of excellent content. I appreciate as well how generous Tom was with his time in answering questions from attendees. The questions elicited a bounty of additional insights."

Dale W., Fort Worth, Texas


Covered in this SUPERwebinar: 

Donor Communications 101 (where newsletters fit into a relationship-building program), why your mom was wrong about flattery, how to deliver a sense of purpose (the secret to better donor retention), why your news can't all be happy talk, a profile of the average donor (do you really know whom you're talking to?), the incredibly successful Domain Formula for newsletters ... and much, more more.

You'll discover the FLAWS that kill response -- not enough warmth, telling the wrong story, too darn slow, lacks emotional gratification, makes poorly constructed offers, offers donors zero news that they'd actually care about, an ineffective "skimming" layer and just plain lousy headlines (right there, the kiss of death).

A SPECIAL MESSAGE for Executive Directors:

This is an organizational investment in getting your stewardship and relationship communications exactly right. 
(Almost guaranteed? No offense meant. But you've likely been doing it wrong.)

These lessons are about scientific insights. They apply to digital as well as print. They apply to annual reports as well as donor newsletters. And they apply to your websites as well.

This unique SUPERwebinar training event can easily pay for itself ... WHEN your charity executes its lessons and you release your "new and improved" donor-focused newsletter.


A good case for support is a prerequisite for record-busting success in ALL your fundraising ... whether it's your next grant application, your annual gala (especially if it's virtual), a new initiative ... or your all-important year-end appeal.

By the end of this 1.5-hour "outsized" webinar, attentive attendees will understand:

  • How case statements crucially differ from mission or vision statements ... and strategic plans

  • The "3 big questions" that must be answered in a strong case for support

  • Important charity-persuasion concepts like "Make it bigger!" and "Localism"

  • Why "Be brief/Be brilliant/Be gone" is great advice, suited to today's distracted audiences

  • The high purpose of offers (and what makes a good one)

  • The concept of "hugs" in donor communications

  • Whether "moral challenge" fundraising is right for you

By the end of this 1.5-hour "MEGA" webinar, attentive attendees will deeply appreciate why:

  • The 1st gift will always be the hardest ... and yet is SO promising

  • Most charities assume the wrong power dynamics. "She is not your donor. You are one of her charities"

  • "Emotions rule" (neuroscience, not opinion)

By the end of this 1.5-hour "super-sized" webby, attentive attendees will learn:

  • How nonprofits use annual reports effectively as stealth case statements

  • About Dr. Siegfried Vögele's discovery of "mental nods," key to persuasion

  • Why taking your prospects from point A to point B is crucial to campaign success

  • Why statistics are the weakest ammunition in your persuasion arsenal (for most prospects, though not all)

  • A proven, fool-proof 4-part appeal formula that made a UK agency rich and its nonprofit clients even richer (i.e., able to do much more good)

  • The world's simplest case-writing formula: problem/solution.

  • My personal process ... one that's created dozens of successful cases

On Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 1 PM Eastern ...
... in just a SINGLE intense super-sized 1.5-hour webinar ...
... you will learn how to create a case for support that captures people's imagination ... and inspires greater giving from existing donors!

Cost? $129

Will this popular webinar be offered again in 2022? 

Sorry: just this once.


Testimonials from Past Webinar Attendees

🔴  "Thank you for the abundance and quality of information you’ve given! I’m taking away so many new ideas and excited to go back over what you’ve shared today. Your presentation and Q&A were stellar! Thank you, thank you!"


🔴  "I always think I am doing ok and then I attend something like this and learn there are so many more things to try! I love it!”


🔴  "Thanks for the great session folks! I’ll be rewatching in the future!"

🔴  "I have been telling folks about Tom Ahern’s emails for years. Fascinating stuff, and when you have the data, no one can argue."

🔴  "Loved every second!"

🔴  "I got so much value from your session. That was a Q&A to end all Q&As!! Love your work."


🔴  "Tom’s webinar taught me more than anything else I’ve learned in the five years I’ve been fundraising."

🔴  "I left that webinar feeling like I had just left church, humming a joyful song under my breath on the way out of the door. I could have soaked up your wisdom for days. Thank you for doing what you do. You are amazing."

🔴  "Thank you for the webinar. I love learning from all of you!"

🔴  "Thanks so much for such a brilliant webinar – one of the best I’ve ever attended. I love Tom’s straight-forward, down to earth, practical approach. I found it so inspiring and encouraging as well as giving me lots of new ideas. Thanks again to everyone involved!"

🔴  "Fantastic presentation, Tom!"


🔴  "Thanks for yet another great webinar yesterday. I had to leave just as the Q/A started, which makes me especially grateful for the recording. Thanks for all you teach and all you offer to me and so many others. Thank you for leading the way into a more loving world."

🔴  "The newsletter is still creating a buzz. Personally I am still evolving with my photo taking and article titles. Of course my writing too. Thank you for playing a major role in my donor communication journey. It’s working!"

🔴  "Tom! I have been absolutely ENAMORED with your work for years now. THANK YOU for ALL you do. I have been able to 3X my funding and grow it... by combining all I learned from you."


🔴  "This was an exceptionally good webinar—stuffed full of excellent content. I appreciate as well how generous Tom was with his time in answering questions from attendees. The questions elicited a bounty of additional insights." 

🔴  "Your presentation was stellar! It was sooooo helpful! So many great takeaways from the Q&A session. Thank you all. 

🔴  "Thank you for these wonderful ideas. I'm a retired veteran who leads a team that raises money for veterans in need of emergency financial assistance. We all work pro bono and rely on these kinds of webinars for help with donors." 

🔴  "So grateful to share this time and energy with you. YOU make my path easier and more lovely."


🔴 "You are all awesome. Thanks for your wisdom!"


🔴  "I ALWAYS learn something new with these webinars. Thanks for another great session! As always!"


🔴  "So many good tidbits and tons of illustrations."

🔴  "They’re fired up now. We projected your webinar and invited the gang. Best money EVER spent."

🔴  "WOW! What a shot in the arm on this VERY rainy day. THANK YOU for sharing your wisdom, experience and talent with me and the fundraising community.

🔴  "I'm a veteran communication designer but very new to fundraising. I found every bit of your webinar super informational and super actionable.

🔴  "So helpful to see examples of great work by other nonprofits."

🔴  "I found it all very helpful."

🔴 "Great webinar! Thank you for the inspiration, knowledge and wisdom! All the best."


🔴  "Outstanding and extremely beneficial."

🔴  "Webinar was exactly what I thought it would be, in a good way."

🔴  "I was very happy with what I learned."

🔴  "I really enjoyed the Q&A session at the end. It's long but I feel like other people bring up questions I wouldn't necessarily think to answer and get to glean the knowledge from the answers."

🔴  "This webinar was amazingly helpful. Thank you again for 'bringing it!'"

🔴  "Tom is awesome!!! I always learn so much from him."

🔴  "We are blessed to have you as a resource!"

🔴  "I'm so glad I attended. Thank you! So much good info!"


CFRE Credits Available!

Full participation in the 90-minute training is applicable for 1.5 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Our Special Guest Expert: Lisa Sargent

Lisa will be joining Tom's webinar to share her expertise and help answer your questions about stewardship, retention, and thanking!


Meet Lisa Sargent, an internationally acclaimed fundraising copywriter and author with nearly 20 years of experience. A certified expert in Philanthropic Psychology from the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy, Lisa is renowned for transforming donor communications through her unique blend of behavioral science and storytelling.

She is the author of Thankology and a contributing author to Change for Better, with her work featured in leading publications including The Chronicle of Philanthropy and The Nonprofit Times. Her groundbreaking Donor Thank-You Letter Clinics, recognized by SOFII as "one of the top ten gifts for fundraisers," have become the most-visited resource in their history.

Lisa has contributed to multiple award-winning fundraising campaigns, earning Irish Fundraising Awards and the Gold Award for Fundraising Excellence. A passionate educator and speaker, she shares her expertise at major industry events including AFP ICON and Fundraising Everywhere, helping organizations deepen donor connections and inspire lasting generosity. Working from her New Hampshire studio affectionately known as "The Shire," Lisa continues to champion the transformational power of donor-centered communications.

Your moderator for Tom Ahern's Webinar

Julie Cooper, Principal and Fundraising Copywriter & Designer
JB Cooper LLC |

"Tom Ahern is possibly the greatest non-profit copywriter on the planet."



The New York Times called Tom Ahern "one of America's most sought-after creators of fund-raising messages."

Tom Ahern

Tom Ahern is one of the world's foremost experts on fundraising communications.

His clients include USA for UNHCR (fundraising for refugees), the Tomaquag Museum (Indigenous), Ithaca College, Lansing Arts (MI), the North Carolina Arboretum, the Marine Mammal Center (CA), the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy (UK), Teach for America, the Sharp Healthcare system in San Diego, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University, Save the Children Global, and many more.

His services for these various clients include case development, direct mail, donor newsletter development, donor comms audits, online course development and staff training.

Tom's specialty?

Changing underperforming donor communications programs into moneymakers, using the latest discoveries in psychology and neuroscience. He has authored seven how-to books on donor communications (all highly rated on Amazon) and speaks internationally. He is a member of The Case Writers creative collective. His free how-to newsletter has 10,000 subscribers. Click here to sign up for his FREE how-to fundraising newsletter.

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Tom Ahern's Super-sized Webby

Retention's best friend: donor newsletters and other irresistible thank-yous.